Tuesday, December 31, 2019

1 in 4 would consider cosmetic treatment to look younger at work

1 in 4 would consider cosmetic treatment to look younger at work1 in 4 would consider cosmetic treatment to look younger at workIn an ideal world, every employee and job candidate would be considered on their qualifications for the job. But we know better. Despite federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination, we know that bias can creep into the workplace.We worry that our looks can matter just as much as our resume. Forty-three percent of American tech workers said they worried about losing their jobs over their older age. More than 40 percent of Americans identified as obese said they faced daily stigma about their weight, a new Highline report details.Facing this intense scrutiny, employees are taking their looks into their own hands.To stay competitive in the workplace, many employees are researching plastic surgery, a new survey conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf ofRealSelf, an online cosmetic marketplace, found out.Employees considering cosmetic treatment to appear yo uthful at workOf the 2,000 Americans adults surveyed, one in three were considering a cosmetic treatment like Botox, dental work or a tummy tuck in the next twelve months. And for many, these cosmetic treatments are being considered out of a motivation to look younger in the office. One in four said they were influencedby the desire to appear youthful at work or because they were looking for or starting a new job.Beauty is a subjective voreingestellt that we use to judge our colleagues worth. Men may be feeling this pressure more than women.Men were twice as likely as women to report that a desire to look young at work or start the job hunt with a new body were factors, at a 36% rate compared to womens 18% rate.How you look is proven to make a difference with how your coworkers see you as a leader. One study found that men with hair transplants were seen as more attractive, approachable, and successful than men without them. The stakes are high to physically manage other peoples per ceptions. How we present ourselves at work is the first impression we show others. Some of us are willing to physically transform ourselves so that the impression in our head matches what we want others to see.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Difference Between Pro Bono and Volunteer Services

The Difference Between Pro Bono and Volunteer ServicesThe Difference Between Pro Bono and Volunteer ServicesPro bono services are not the same as volunteer services. There are several similarities, but theyre different in some fundamental ways, particularly with regard to taxes. Pro Bono Services Pro bono means for the public good in Latin, and you may come across the term when youre dealing with the legal zu nutz und frommenfession. Services are offered for free, or sometimes at a cost, to benefit a cause or the general public.The American Bar Association suggests that attorneys should commit themselves to do 50 hours of pro bono legal work annually, and some state bar associations require that lawyers report their pro bono hours and activities regularly in order to maintain their licenses to practice. Pro bono services are not something you do for your neighbor for free, and they dont involve volunteering to run the Girl Scout cookie station for an afternoon. From a tax standp oint, pro bono services must be donated to charitable organizations or causes. The IRS treats pro bono services and free or discounted services and volunteer services differently. It uses separate guidelines to govern how you can deduct associated costs and expenses. Pro bono services are sometimes offered at cost. For example, a professional consultant may donate his time and expertise but ask for payment to cover traveling expenses. Volunteers for charitable organizations may also be able to deduct travel expenses, but with more restrictions and at a lower percentage rate than for true pro bono services. Volunteer Work Volunteers also offer time, knowledge, skills and expertise for free to help other people or organizations. The IRS classifies volunteer services into two basic categories Non-GAAP Volunteer Services ansicht are not tax-deductible for the individual donating his time and services.GAAP Volunteer Services GAAP servicesor professional services are sometimes at leas t partially tax-deductible. GAAP is an acronym that means generally accepted accounting principals. These principles cover the most common practices and rules for financial reporting of business income.This is an important distinction because of the tax treatment of volunteered time and services. Normally, the Internal Revenue Service does not allow non-GAAP, non-business taxpayers to take tax deductions for the monetary value of the time they commit to volunteerism. If they incur expenses in volunteering, however, these may be deductible as charitable donations. But claiming such a deduction requires itemizing rather than claiming the standard deduction, something that is not always advantageous to all taxpayers. The Big Difference The big differencebetween GAAP services that may qualify as pro bono services and non-GAAP volunteer services is that pro bono services are typically offered as professional services. An individual, business or organization would ordinarily have to pay the donor for this work. The tangible expenses of providing pro bono services can be at least partially deducted on business tax returns. Volunteer services come from individuals who would not normally charge for their time and the skills they donate.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

How to Have More Confidence in Yourself - The Muse

How to Have More Confidence in Yourself - The MuseHow to Have More Confidence in Yourself So, what exactly do you do? a new acquaintance asked me while I sipped cheap chardonnay at yet another one of my husbands work functions.I took a deep breath and braced myself to spit out the canned response Id repeated so many times before. I work for myself as a freelance writer, I replied, pausing to take a look at the confused face Id become so used to seeing in response to my answer- a face that conveys the messages, Oh, so you dont really work and Hey, whats daytime TV like these days? simultaneously in one simple, judgmental look. Oh, so youre, like, writing a book? she pressed, obviously hoping to get extra clarification on how I managed to score a career as a professional lazy partie at such a young age. No, not at all, I responded, subtly scanning the room for how I could manage to snag another glass of free wine without looking rude, The majority of my work is writing career advice to help people find jobs they love and then succeed at them. She paused, bit her lip, and then looked at me as if I had just spoken Gibberish. Well, how do you know enough to write that? she asked, How can you offer career advice when you dont have a real job? Immediately, I was irked by her question. But, not for the reason you might be thinking. I wasnt irritated because she had flat out insulted me and my career choices. I wasnt even all that militrischer abschirmdienst about the fact that she was keeping me from that buffet table of lukewarm chicken skewers and more wine (alright, that was a little agitating).No, instead, I found myself most annoyed by the fact that she had just put into words all of those nagging thoughts that had been keeping me awake at night How am I qualified to do what I do? How did I go from reading other peoples advice to writing it? What if everything Im telling people is wrong?Call it imposter syndrome, call it a lack of confidence, or call it fishing fo r compliments. Slap whatever label you want on it, but Ill just put it all out there I dont always know how I got here. True story I almost choked on my afternoon Diet Coke the first time an article cited me as a career expert.But, that doesnt change the fact that people really do listen and value my suggestions and opinions. Even more, people seem to respect them. Scratch that, not seems, but do. And I know this because I receive numerous emails from readers who ask me for further advice about a specific topic I wrote about because my words connected with them in a way they hadnt experienced before. That during a long job search or a stressful day at work, what I said to someone helped him or her feel better and ready to tackle the next challenge. And thats my job in a nutshell- making people feel more confident about their career choices and chosen paths. While you may not be a writer like me, Im guessing youve still experienced similar feelings of inadequacy at times. Perhaps you recently moved into a management role. Or, maybe your department has experienced a great absprache of turnover, and youre now the most senior person there- despite still feeling like a total newbie. That feeling of self-doubt can be universal. Lets face it- making the transition from being the one asking the questions to the one answering them can be strange, and its usually enough to inspire a hefty amount of self-deprecating thoughts. But, Im here to remind you (and, admittedly, myself) that- despite what that critical voice in your brain has to say- youre good at what you do. And, that means youre more than qualified to share your knowledge and your expertise.Think about it this way If people are flocking to you to get your thoughts, insights, and opinions, theres likely a pretty solid reason behind that- you obviously look like you know what youre doing. Either that, or youre one heck of a convincing actor. Believe me, I get it- theres a little sense of arrogance that comes alo ng with declaring, Hey, Im great at what I do And, I know that it can feel totally unnatural to think of yourself as an expert or a thought leader in your chosen field.However, in those moments when you feel like a no-good, no-talent hack who should be receiving instructions- rather than giving them- remember that youre smart, youre resourceful, and you deserve to be respected and commended for the things you know and have accomplished. You dont need to know it all in order to know something.Yes, Ill likely always feel tempted to be the first to scoff or roll my eyes whenever Im referred to as a career expert. But, Im going to make my best effort to stop shying away from that acknowledgement and instead own that respect and recognition. And, I hope youll join me in feeling good about the fact that- while youre by no means perfect- that doesnt mean you cant be admired.Photo of person at work courtesy of Hero Images/Getty Images.

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Courtship and Marriage of Millennials and the Staffing Industry

The Courtship and Marriage of Millennials and the Staffing Industry The Courtship and Marriage of Millennials and the Staffing Industry Gone are the days of the traditional workplace, where employees started at the entry level and worked their way up through the countless rungs of the company ladder through years of hard work and determination along with some luck.Tenure was an integral part of your success, parallel to your overall production.Today, things are much different. Manufacturing has long been waning in the U.S., whereasjobs within the service and technology sectors have blossomed. The mindset of the employee has changed along with the economic landscape.Millennialsfrequently boast entrepreneurial spirits and prefer to see success much more quicklythan previous generations. They want be part of environments where theyre allowed to combine their hard work and success in school with best-in-class training. They want to be productive after a shorter period of time than the ir Gen. X and baby boomer predecessors.Enterthe staffing industry, where millennialscan achieve speedy, entrepreneurial success within a well-established, corporate environment.Although they may have just met, millennials and staffing have quicklyfound themselves heading down the road toward a perfect marriage.The courting process begins with an interview, a company history lesson, the promise of development, and the understanding that, in staffing, there is no corporate ladder. Once interest has been raised and staffings entrepreneurial structure has been explained,the engagement ring is offered and accepted. Time to move on to the serious part of the relationship training and development.The most successful staffing firms understand that investing in people meansinvesting in the companys future. Not only must you hire the right people, but you must also have training programs that give every new employee what they need to succeed.Eliassen Group itself has invested heavily in techn ology and training resources to ensure those who are determined to succeed quickly develop along accelerated career trajectories. We hire only those coming in the door with tireless work ethics and relentless determination. When we find someone with these traits, our regimen of rollealized group training and the technological tools we provide them ensure their success. This Resource Specialist Program has been tremendously successful for the company.The millennial determines their own success through a combination of how hard they work, how savvy they are when it comes tonavigating the seas of company training, how well they leverage hands-on recruiting technology (LinkedIn, Indeed, advanced social searches, etc.), and how much they understand about what makes people tick.So much goes into finding the right person with the right skill set for a position. To support the employees success, staffing organizations must offer consistenttraining that involves the userecruiting technology, the assessment of candidate skill sets and psychology, and the negotiations the often attend the recruiting process.Staffing rewards each and every start, so if a millennial is putting as many people to work as someone tenured in the industry or company, they are rewarded equally in praise and in dollars. In staffing, you do not have to wait to be successful you can do so right away. Goodbye corporate ladder, hello immediate successIt all starts with that initial conversation. The millennial learns that, in the staffing world,they can in become an entrepreneur in a corporate environment, reap immediate financial rewards, experience rapid career growth, be showered in company recognition, and take the much anticipated walk down the aisle toward the kollege of career success.This article originally appeared on the Eliassen Group blog.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

What Happens to My Resume After I Send It

What Happens to My Resume After I Send ItWhat Happens to My Resume After I Send ItWhat Happens to My Resume After I Send ItOnce you submit your resume and cover letter to an employer, it can feel as if your precious career documents have been sucked into a vortex, never to be seen or heard from again. At best, you might get an auto-reply email that acknowledges your application (but promises nothing). Wouldnt it be nice to know whats happening to your resume after you send it?While I was pondering how to approach this topic, AskAManagers Allison Green beat me to the punch. Her recent post, How the Hiring Process Works on the Employers Side, not only spells out what happens to your resume, it also provides a window into the hiring managers mind. Be aya to read zu sich whole post,but meanwhile Ill touch onsome of the main points. After your resume leaves your computer, the typical screening/hiring process will go something like this 1) Applications start pouring in to the employer. Pou ring is the operative word. Allison is a hiring manager for a medium-sized non-profit, where they rarely get fewer than 100 resumes for any job posting 200 to 400 is the norm. (Four hundred) And these numbers are not unusual. No one can review that many resumes, so the vast majority of them will have to be eliminated.TIP Dont give them a reasonto eliminate you.2) Applications get passed to the decision maker(s).Depending on the organization, the initial decision maker might be the hiring manager for the open position, an HR person, or a staff recruiter. Many people use hard-copy printouts of the resumes and cover letters but larger companies are probably still keeping it electronic at this stage. TIP Make your resume attractive and organized, with plenty of white space so its easy to read on screen or on paper.3) They scan the submissions and eliminate MOST of them.We talk a lot about the 10-second rule (you have only 10 seconds to pique the readers interest), but Allison is generou s. She says her first visual scan of the cover letter and resume lasts at least 45 seconds. At other companies, it might be a computer doing the scan, searching for certain keywords. TIP Dont apply promiscuously if youre not qualified (or at least almost qualified), youre wasting your time.4) They scrutinize the survivors and cut some more.At this point, if youre still in the running, someone will take the time to fully read your cover letter and resume. (Yay) But in the end, more applicants will be eliminated. (Aww.) The final candidate pool might be as few as 3 or 4 people, or as many as 10 or 15. TIP Previous steps were all about first impressions this step looks for substance to support those impressions. Without it, youre gone.5) They start contacting the remaining candidates.This is where things start to vary from employer to employer. Allison typically asks candidates for a writing sample, a written exercise, or some other relevant material. Other companies (e.g.,) go right t o phone interviews, but ask for homework at a later stage. Some go straight to in-person interviews. TIP If youre asked to do some homework, do it, and follow the instructions to the letter. If you balk, you walk.6) They conduct phone interviews.The goal of a phone interview is to get a sense of how the candidate communicates, or as Allison puts it, to find out whether or not shes crazy. mora people get cut at this point, usually because they have the wrong experience, or commit some behavioral faux pas. TIP Ifthey call you out of the blue and its not a good time to talk, dont wing it. Politely ask to reschedule for a time when you can be at your best.7) They determine finalists and schedule interviews. At this point, the process becomes familiar, because you (the job seeker) are back in the picture. Its the usual sequence of in-person interviews (possibly 2 or 3), thank-you notes (from you to them), reference checks, and eventually when you and an employer find the right fit a job offer, negotiations, a handshake, and a starting date.Now that youve got some insight into what happens on the dark side (wink, wink), I hope its clear how incredibly important it is to make your resume and cover letter shine with a summary of your specific, relevant qualifications targeted to that employer.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The One Thing to Do for High School Student Resume with No Work Experience Template

The One Thing to Do for High School Student Resume with No Work Experience Template High school may be a challenging time in the life span of a student because he or shes anticipated to bag a job after graduating. While it might appear a tiny premature, its very important to students to create good social networking habits from the get-go. Unique students may buy the classes, one special question at the exact same period, and learn to address difficult problems based in your example. An excellent means to departure on your resume as a high school student is to examine examples of resumes and read tips about what to include and the way to format your resume. Keep reading to discover more, and dont neglect to have a look at our sample high school resume for inspiration Your cover letter will be able to help you tell your story to a prospective employer, and should you need a person to take an opportunity on you as a high school student, you must use every tool available. Now you need to know how to compose a resume with no experience thats compelling and distinctive, ideal for a high school resume or a beginners resume for teens. Conveying your distinctive teaching qualities and accomplishments to a possible high school is indispensable to landing a work interview. To acquire a leidion of what skills are deemed relevant, consider studying the work description of the job that you are attempting to apply for. Students often think that you require experience to have a job and conversely, you are in need of a job to add experience. With that said the most significant facet of hiring has become skills and passion. Know the skills necessary for the work which you are applying. Your goal in constructing your resume is to make an effective marketing and advertising tool. You may locate a variety of great, totally free vorlages that are simple to work with for your high school resume. If you would like to turn into a high school principal, you can begin acquiring the qualification and skills you need now to produce the leap whenever you are ready. After youve been approved into a school or university to study, you have the ability to then earn a program to have a short-term visa. After school activities may also be included beneath your education section along with any distinctive jobs you may have done by means of your school, such as being a teachers assistant or being part of student government. Want to Know More About High School Student Resume with No Work Experience Template? Dont permit too little law enforcement experience or any sort of work experience for this issue to save you from applying for correctional officer jobs that youre looking for today. Working at a quick food joint is only a superior way to start your livelihood. Therefore, when you sit down to compose your first resume, attempt to consider your prior jobs in a new light. Though you might not have a work history or lengthy collection of impressive degr ees, you can definitely find something to include. Finding High School Student Resume with No Work Experience Template Online Set the training part of your job application to the top of your continue so that its the very first thing the employer sees. In case you have any part-time work, that will go a ways towards a wonderful experience section. Every section takes a slightly different strategy. No matter if you take advantage of an expert summary or a resume objective, the space under your heading ought to be utilized to summarize the remainder of your resume. You could adhere to the guidelines given in the job resume template here and produce your own resume. Write down what skills you used, and the way they may relate to the job that you desire. Your work is always to thoroughly take a comprehensive research before enrolling within an internship. It is possible to also leave off any jobs that are entirely unrelated to the job which you desire. Write your resume to t he company (make for them sure youre the perfect candidate by highlighting the qualities they are searching for) It is extremely important to receive noticed with your CV and to stick out from different participants. While the functional resume format may be an attractive alternative for job seekers with minimal experience, most employers would rather have a chronological or hybrid resume format. Your resume needs to be free of errors and grammatically accurate. Filtering out resumes for mechanical engineers is simple when you get started using the people that look odd. Rumors, Lies and High School Student Resume with No Work Experience Template Especially for a first resume, employing a template is a great idea. Its wise not to ramble. Resume examples and templates are very helpful, especially when youre writing one of your very first resumes. The Most Popular High School Student Resume with No Work Experience Template Learning how to do a resume when do not have any work experience is a lot easier if you are able to demonstrate some seasonal or short-term work experience. Since you likely dont have a good deal of Work Experience, you can include your Achievements as a distinct section. You could also have volunteer experience. Afterwards, you can get into your professional experience.

Monday, December 2, 2019

How to Not Suck as a Speaker 15 Ideas

How to Not Suck as a Speaker 15 Ideas When I was in eighth grade, I gave the commencement speech atmy middle school graduation. I practiced hard, wrote and rewrote, selected my outfit, anddelivered a powerhouse speech. Everyone from the teaczu sichs to my peers thought Id surely pursue some sort of career in public speaking.As the years wore on, however, I gravitated more toward writing.It started with creative writing, then turned to journalism, and finally becameabsatzwirtschaft and advertising. Banging out 1000 words on any given topic? That I can do. Put a mic in my hand or on my lapel, and I get sweaty, tongue-tied, and more than a little envious of my eighth-grade self.I have been trying to understand public speaking for a long time now. Its harder than I thought it would be when I first decided I wanted to speak on employer branding, recruitment marketing, andmarketing in general.Whats the deal? If Iknow the stuff, why cant I say the stuff in a compelling way?I dont really know the answer to that question, butI am getting better Here are the things I have done to see a little improvement inmy public speaking1. Write It OutI always write out the entire speech beforehand. A presentation can always go awry. If you write it out ahead of time, you have less to worry about when technical difficulties arise.2. Start With a StoryI dont know why this was such a blinding revelation for me. I have been starting stories for years now. I must have 27 first chapters of never-to-be-finished novels.3. Give Your Team (or Yourself) Design DirectionJust because Powerpoints can go sideways doesnt mean you should ignore great design. I go through my speech with design ideas for the team and highlight phrases I want spelled out on the slides. This accomplishes two things. First, it ensures I am elend using every stinking word on the slides, as bad speakers are prone to doing. Second, it allows me to envision myself up on the stage with the vis ual behind me.4. Listen to YourselfSome people practice with notes. That never works for me. If I miss a word, it jacks up my whole flow. Instead, I record myself and listen to it over and over until I am sick of my own voice. This helps me with both speech memorization and cadence.5. Watch YourselfI swear on this green earth there is nothing more humbling than watching yourselfgive a speech. I have thousands of minutes of video on my phone that show me attempting not to sound and look like a moron. Most of the time, I record these videos right before I go on, which means Im frantically putting on eyeliner and curling my hair in many of them.6. SnapAre you an umm-er? Place arubber band around your wrist and snap yourself every time you utter that dreaded filler sound. Your wrist will be red, but your presentation will be awesome.7. Dont Try to Be Something Youre NotWhen giving a speech, I really want to stay behind the podium for many reasons. I love reading notes, and podiums hide notes really well. I am pretty clumsy and love high heels, so stages are dangerous places for me. However, I cannot for the life of me stay still during anything, andbeing on stage is no exception.8. Find a Buddy or TwoI always find the people I am gonna creep out for the hour right up front. It can be hard to talk to hundreds or thousands of people, but its pretty easy to talk to four or five. When my mind has blanked, or Im getting a little nervous, or Im speaking too quickly, I will look at one of my buddies tocollect myself. They can be anyone in the audience you dont have to know them.9. Have a Joke to TellThis is so important. Trust that the lights will go out, the presentation willfail to load, your mic will cut out, and the next speakerwill be late. If you know a couple of great jokes, you can work the crowd until things settle down.10. Shock and AweThat may be an exaggeration, but if you know a startling fact or an interesting anecdote, or you have space in your presentatio n to call someone in the audience out,use it.This instantly wakes people up and gets them into the groove no easy feat in our smartphone-addicted age.I have a presentation where I say, And this is where peoples eyes usually glaze over ARE YOUR EYES GLAZING OVER? Wakes them up every time.11. Sounds of SilenceDont be afraid ofnot talking. Its okay to pause for effect, for a drink of water, to let a thought sink in, to let people take pictures of a slide, etc.12. KISSThat is, Keep it simple, stupid. I know this is standard advice, but it took me forever to understand that my role on the stage is not to teach people everything Iknow its to inspire them to learn more and give them a few tools to point them in the right direction. If every presentation could distill 20 years of knowledge into 45 minutes, college would not be a thing.13. Practice in Front of Young PeopleThe young will eat you alive. High school and college studentscan be rude theyll refuse to make eye contact and ask que stions you might not have the answers to. They will also laugh when you trip or swear accidentally, which does lighten the mood.14. Establish Who You AreYou have a reason to be speaking at this time, at this place, and on this subject. What is that reason?What do you want the crowdto know about you as a person? Its easy to dismiss a speaker, but much harder to dismiss a mother of three who dropped out of high school and runs a multimillion dollar business.15. Take It Personally, But Not Too PersonallyI get feedback after nearly every event I do. Some of it is awful. In fact, a lot of it is awful. I know I was exceptionally bad when my friends compliment me too much. I need to take comments that come up time and again to heart. Those criticisms point to real failings that transcend subject and geography, meaning the problem is yours truly. However, when people criticize my hair, clothes, tattoos, or piercings, I dont care. You shouldnt either. This article originally appeared on the Red Branch Media blog.Maren Hogan is founder and CEO of Red Branch Media. You can read more of her work on Forbes, Business Insider, Entrepreneur, and her blog, Marenated.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Find a Job You Love

Find a Job You LoveFind a Job You LoveWeve all had dreams of growing up and becoming a fireman, a ballet dancer, a fairy princess or superhero. And while those dreams usually give way to more practical job decisions there is something to be said for aspiring to be a rock star or a professional wrestler. Choosing a job that interests you can be the difference between a job and a career according to Regina Van Burkleo, HR and recruiting expert and Examiner.coms job interview skills examiner.Pick Your PassionBe creative. What do you love to do? Do you have a hobby or a passion that youd be thrilled to do full-time? Take a pass at making that your career.But be careful. There are pitfalls.As much as you might really enjoy learning different ways to filet salmon, for example, it might be difficult to monetize that expertise into a business, even on the Internet, write Jeff and Rich Sloan, brothers and creators of Startup Nation.Even if not every hobby will be a great business venture, tha t doesnt stop many from exploring the possibilities. A survey of recent searches show new laws on the west coast motivating possible career changes. Popular searches include cannabis reviewer in California, and weed jobs in Colo. Silliness or ingenuity?These job seekers are looking for a job they can love.Money VS. Passion There is one caveat that sometimes brings big dreamers back to earth salary. Can your passion pay your bills? Experts say yes.Fortunately, a solution can still be worked out, by integrating both career and passion and finding a middle path, says Roli Gupta of Workplace Wisdom.When considering a new job or even a career change assessing the cultural fit of the company is important to your long term satisfaction, according to Ladders columnist Patty Orsini in the article If the Job Fits.With a satisfying job during the week, you can still be a rock star on the weekend- even if its at a Karaoke bar.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Medical Career Field - Air Force Job Descriptions

Medical Career Field - Air Force Job DescriptionsMedical Career Field - Air Force Job DescriptionsThe Medical Career Field encompasses functions involved in operating both fixed and tactical medical facilities and sub-professionally caring for and treating authorized personnel. This career field includes aeromedical activities, aerospace physiology, specialized medical services including ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, orthopedics, urology, allergy and immunology, optometry, nuclear medicine and cardiopulmonary techniques, electroencephalographic studies, physical therapy, occupational therapy, orthotics, operating room, mental health services, radiology, medical laboratory, histopathology, cytotechnology, pharmacy, diet therapy, medical administration, medical materiel, bioenvironmental engineering, and environmental medicine, including laboratory animal techniques and medical equipment. Excluded from this career field are dental and rescue and survival functions. These function s are included in the Dental Career Field and Protection Career Field.All personnel of the USAF Medical tafelgeschirr must have knowledge of and be proficient in military sanitation and first aid procedures, to include shock management effective respiration maintenance (mouth-to-mouth resuscitation with or without adjunct) hemorrhage control emergency wound treatment management of fractures, burns, and injuries from chemical agents hand and litter carrier methods and loading and unloading vehicles used for patient transportation. All personnel of the USAF Medical Service must have knowledge of and be proficient in the operation and first echelon maintenance of all equipment used by the respective Air Force specialty, and must be familiar with improvisation and conversion methods of fixed types of medical equipment for tactical use. The following is a complete listing of AFSCs for the Medical Career Field. 4A0X1Health Services Management4A1X1Medical Materiel4A2X1Biomedical Equipment4 B0X1Bio-environmental Engineering4C0X1Mental Health Service4D0X1Diet Therapy4E0X1Public Health4H0X1Cardiopulmonary Lab4J0X2Physical Medicine4M0X1Aerospace Physiology4N0X1Aerospace Medical Service 4N1X1Surgical Services4P0X1Pharmacy4R0X1Diagnostic Imaging4T0X1Medical Laboratory4T0X2Histopathology4T0X3Cytotechnology4V0X1Optometry

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Four Ways to Make a Personal Connection

Four Ways to Make a Personal ConnectionFour Ways to Make a Personal ConnectionHow to put your own personal touch on job-search milestones and ensure that youre memorable.As a recruiter and career coach, Im shocked at how often people conclude that their entire job search can transpire in front of the computer as they become masters at applying for jobs.The fundamental problem with this scheme? Systems dont get the jobs. People doWhile the power of technology is immense, you canbedrngnis have the computer tethered to you every minute of your search campaign. You must push the edge of your comfort zone and demonstrate solid people skills. Whatever your professional discipline, if you are in a job-search mode, then you are currently in sales That means you must be memorable.Review open positions online and submit your resume to those positions, but be mindful of the personal touch.From this point forward, you must look at yourself as a sales executive, and you must recognize that the on ly way to close the sale is by getting in front of the target company.Consider ansicht four points on how to use your personality to break through1. Scanner versus humanThe human factor wins. Writing your resume for a scanner is great, but without human interaction, the odds of your success are slim. Companies are looking for people who fit their corporate culture. Your next employer wants to hire someone who can be effective in the job, play for the team and drive results. Its not possible to assess all these attributes through an online, scan-able resume.2. Facebook versus networking eventYou must get out of the house and engage with people on a different level. Staying cooped up at your home office in a T-shirt is unlikely to get you the job of your dreams. Job-support groups popping up all across the country can help get you connected to people of influence in your target companies. You will not know about these events and certainly will not get the right introduction by staying home.Put on a suit and attend mixers or networking events in your local area.3. LinkedIn references versus stimulating conversationYou must try to do whatever you can to connect with people on neutral ground, where you can invest in the discussion and develop the relationship you need to advance your efforts. Common wisdom dictates, You become most like the people with whom you surround yourself, so its critical that you think about some of the most successful people in your network who you can take to lunch or coffee. Senior-level leaders love to help people, and they usually enjoy getting to know more in a casual, yet professional setting.4. E-card versus HallmarkYour human touch is manifest when you reach out to thank someone in the form of a hand-written card. As leaders at some point in our career, we have put the invoice to the side while we quickly open the envelope that looks like it might be a card or an invitation. The same is true of the hiring manager or people of influ ence in your last interview. You must send a hand written thank you card.In todays saturated market, its important to realize that youre competing for attention in a field full of contenders. That means you must take immediate steps to set yourself apart in the selection process.Use personal touches. Do something that someone would say is very you. Be human.You must be the champion in raising the bar of excellence, and you never want to be the person worrying about the bar someone else has set If you define the standard and set realistic expectations along the way in remembering to inject the h uman f actor into your search strategy, you are making great strides setting yourslf apart in the process.Go get em